Well, I apologize. Having 2 children, selling a house, renting a new one, & moving to a totally new town makes a gal busy! Who knew?
Anyway, I miss this little blog. I miss connecting with you ladies and reading about your daily lives. Mine has been a whirlwind lately.
We sold the house in Cumming. We are still looking to buy in Peachtree City but we are being picky because this next house will be ours for a LONG time. So right now we are renting my sister's friends place. It's been wonderful. Living in Peachtree City is so different than anywhere I have lived before. There are golf cart trails EVERYWHERE so we bought out first golf cart and have been having so much fun exploring our new city.
On Saturday, we went to an outdoor movie with all the other families to see Frozen and it was SO much fun. We also joined the country club and have been going to the pool all day every day. Hazel can swim independently with floaties and Elouise is content either sitting with me or in her float in the baby pool so it has been SO relaxing so far.
I signed up for 2 half marathons in the fall. One in September and one in November. I am SO excited to get back into the fit lifestyle. I have been a slug for too long and I'm ready to feel good about myself again! I started training last night and it felt amazing to get outside and sweat. Another good thing about the golf cart trails is they are mostly shaded so running on them is SO much fun.
Hazel is now 4. She loves going to the pool, making new friends, and is trying to master putting her straw in her caprisun. It amazes me how easily she makes new friends. She loves her sister more than anything and I love seeing them giggle together. She starts 4 year old preschool in the fall and she is so excited. Hazel got her first real hair cut this past weekend and she looks ADORABLE.
Elouise is now 6 months old. She is army crawling EVERY WHERE. She hasn't quite mastered sitting up on her own, she can do it for a little bit but she is wobbly & falls over. She talks up a storm and loves her sister more than anything. No one can make her laugh like Hazel can. She is still breastfeeding and we both love it. I have my moments where I want to quit but I think I will stick with it. I am planning on starting to supplement a feeding or 2 just so I can get a little break. She is still waking 2-3 times a night... So that's fun.
I am so unhappy with how I've let myself go physically. Before I got pregnant with Elouise, I was 13 pounds from my ultimate goal weight and obviously I had to gain some weight with her. I felt really great my whole pregnancy but for some reason when I'm nursing I tend to crave sweets more and can't control my cravings. But I am determined to get back to where I was even while nursing. I've gained 10 pounds since I've had Elouise and that has got to change. I have 40 pounds to lose and I know I can do it! I'm hoping by running, strength training, and changing my diet will help me reach my goal!