I have been so busy since last Friday I haven't had a chance to blog at all! Today Hazel and I have a day of doing nothing besides cleaning and going to the gym later. So right now I'm enjoying my hot cup of coffee and oatmeal and I'm ready to spill the beans!
If you follow me on Instagram then you already know...

We're having a GIRL!
Elouise (no middle name yet) Scott is currently growing in my tummy.

We are so excited! I think Hazel is the most excited. She is so proud. Of course, Jonathan wanted a little boy but he is really excited and feels comfortable with another girl because we already have Hazel. The first thing he said was "I hope she is like Hazel." Meaning because Hazel is such an awesome and fun little girl. But we have no doubts that Elouise will be just as awesome. I mean just look at her parents :)

How far along?: 19 weeks and 3 days.
Size of Baby?: She is 6.5 inches and at the ultrasound she weighed 11 precious ounces. She doubled her weight from last week according to my app! Grow baby girl grow! :)
Sleep?: Still sleeping great!
Best moment this week?: Seeing my sweet angel on the ultrasound. She was moving SO much that we didn't really get a good picture of her because they are all blurry. And finding out that she is a girl!!!!
Miss anything?: It's starting to get harder to bend over. I tried to reach something in the passenger side of the car yesterday and it was almost impossible to reach it.
Movement?: Yes! She is moving a lot. It's random but usually every night when I first lay down she will start her squirming. I think we'll be able to feel her outside of my belly soon. (Like real kicks and punches)
Food Cravings?: Um... nothing really this past week. Still really loving spicy stuff but each night after dinner I need something sweet so I bought those mini ice cream sandwiches that hit the spot without being crazy in calories.
Morning Sickness?: Still get nauseous when I wait too long to eat and I also get shaky. And usually every morning I have to eat before I do anything else or else I will end up dry heaving in the toilet. Pregnancy is so beautiful. ;)
Gender?: GIRL!!! My sweet baby Elouise.
Bed Rest?: No
Limitations?: Bending over it getting harder but I wouldn't say I can't do it. Just takes a little longer. But that's it. I'm still exercising regularly and doing all my old classes and loving it!
Pregnancy Symptoms?: I wake up with a headache each morning but it goes away by the time I eat breakfast. Still super hairy.
Wedding Rings?: Still on.
Looking forward to?: Feeling real kicks and punches and letting Hazel and Jonathan feel too!
Weight Gain?: Well little miss Elouise has doubled her weight since 15 weeks and it shows. I have gained 10 pounds total and 6 pounds since my 15 week appointment. The doctor said that was totally healthy and within the range of what I was supposed to. From here on out should be a pound a week so that puts me right at 30 pounds (if all goes well) at delivery which I am totally okay with.

Congrats on a baby girl!!! I'm so anxious for the gender reveal! I've got about 6 weeks or so till we can find out. I'm also super anxious to feel the baby move, but I'm only 14 weeks.
ReplyDeleteYou look great and it sounds like you're feeling good too!
You look gorgous! Harper and Elouise will have to meet up for a date one day! :)
ReplyDeleteWoo Hoo for baby girls!!! And I LOVE the name!
ReplyDeleteYay! I love the namae! So happy for you!
ReplyDeleteYAY!!!!!!!!!! A GIRL!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYAYYYYY!!!! So happy for you three the be gaining another princess!
ReplyDeleteI'm internet-less for the most part right now, so I'm just now finding this out!