Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tummy Tuesday

Today I'm following Lora and doing Tummy Tuesday with her! 
I've been doing my bump updates randomly but I want to do them the same day! 

If you don't follow Lora then you should! She's 2 weeks behind me and is pregnant with her 3rd baby! She was one of the first people I text when I found out I was pregnant. And she's hilarious.

Anyway. Enough about Lora! 

I took this picture today.
I rolled out of bed and took this. #notmatching

How far along?: 16 weeks and 2 days.

Sleep?: Still sleeping fine. I'll have to adjust my pillows and maybe go to the bathroom once or twice but usually I sleep peacefully. Let's hope this keeps up!

Maternity Clothes: In all maternity bottoms. Shorts, pants, skirts. But shirts I'm still okay. Most of my shirts are stretchy already.

Best moment this week?: Every time I feel the baby move it is exciting. It's not consistent or every day but it is getting more regular. Also, any time Jonathan or Hazel talk to the baby always makes me happy.

Miss anything?: Still really wanting sushi...

Movement?: Baby flutters randomly. Ready for some real kicks and punches!

Size of the baby?: A turnip. 5 inches and 5 oz.

Food Cravings?: A cheeseburger today and a coke icy. It changes daily. 

Morning Sickness?: None anymore! Thank goodness!

Gender?: We find out on July 22. 20 more days!

Bed Rest?: None

Limitations?: None

Pregnancy Symptoms?: I find myself getting out of breath a lot easier than normal. I think of myself as a pretty "in shape" person but we went for a walk yesterday and it got me out of breath.

Wedding Rings?: Still on!

Looking Forward to?: Finding out the gender!!


  1. Your lil belly is sooo cute!!! I love that you say you are ready to feel the punches and kicks. Let's revisit this in say...3 months. See if you are still so happy about that!! I can't believe you are 16 weeks! Almost half way there!

  2. Yay! glad you joined me...even though you make me look like a whale! Thanks for the shout out....and I'm so glad I'm not the only one that gets out of breath. I thought that was just because I was already so big. :)

  3. You are just too cute with that little belly. Have a great day!

  4. What a great pic! Makes me almost miss being pregnant...almost!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hey, you look amazing :) You are definitely preggy inspiration for me (and non- pregnant!). I am tall as well and it's so nice to read about someone who isn't complaining about being "fat" at 150..uhg lol.

    I am a new reader, and love your blog so I thought I would come out of lurking and say hi! I also wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Liebster :)


  7. Have fun finding out what your having. We find out on the 25th! I find myself out of breath if I carry my daughter from our rocker to her crib.
    Also cute bump! Mine is out of control and I'll be 16 weeks on the 10th. :)
