Friday, February 28, 2014

New challenge.

I don't know about you but when I was dating my husband any and every time that he came over just to hang out or when we would go on a date, I would try to look my best. 

Since we have gotten married, I have gotten lazy. Being a stay-at-home mom means that it's acceptable for me to lay around in my pajamas all day with my hair all messy and no make up. Hell, some days I don't even brush my teeth (yuck, I know. But I'm being real here.) 

My lucky husband. 

I hear women say this all the time when they are joking and basically calling themselves a mess. 

Why, now that we're married, do I feel like I don't even have to dress before I see my husband? Doesn't he deserve my best? The best that I can give him? 

I'm not saying that I am not beautiful in my pajamas with a messy bun and zero make-up. My husband makes me feel beautiful no matter what I have on. But I don't feel my best when I'm that way. I KNOW that I look better when I put some effort into it. If I didn't then why would I even waste the time?

My new challenge to myself (and to you if you feel like this part of you is lacking) is to take time to make myself feel beautiful. Doing my hair and/or make up every day. I have 2 small children so some days a shower is just out of the question but that doesn't mean I can't take 10 minutes to myself (even if it's the 10 minutes before Jonathan walks through the door), to make myself look presentable. 

I want my husband to always see me as the most beautiful girl in the world, but how is that possible when I take zero time for myself to make myself look *more* beautiful. 

I wonder what changes it'll make in myself and in my marriage? 

The month of March I am going to challenge myself to take 10 minutes to myself to fix myself up for my husband. 

After all, he's gotta look at me the rest of his life.... might as well make it a pretty view. 

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