Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My little chunky monkey. 34/37 week bumpdate.

We went and had an ultrasound today because my little Elouise is measuring big.

Since Hazel was 9 pounds 4 oz, I have been expecting a big baby.

I am supposed to be 34 weeks 4 days pregnant and little miss Elouise is measuring 37 weeks. She weighs 6 pounds 6 oz. She has the chunkiest little cheeks I have ever seen and her little tummy is so precious. She will be a chunky monkey and I can't wait. The ultrasound tech also said she had hair... but mostly she just kept saying how chunky she was! 

Photo: This is Elouise looking at the "camera" with her hand beside her face. Look at those chunky cheeks!!!
This is her looking at the "camera" with her hand beside her face. Look at those cheeks!!

I'm a bit worried because she is still breech. So that makes me nervous... especially considering how big she is but the doctor said I have "plenty of fluid" so she definitely has room to move. 

The ultrasound tech said most babies who were 34 weeks measured at 4 to MAYBE 5 pounds. She seemed quiet impressed with how big my little munchkin is. That doesn't make me feel better. I had a little panic attack in the room waiting for the doctor.

The good news is is because she is breech still, I get to have another ultrasound in 2 weeks to see if she has flipped. Can you please pray with me that she flips in time? Have you ever had an babies who were breech? I need any advice I can get. 

How far along?: 34 weeks and 4 days. (Haha)

Size of the baby?: The app says 5 pounds and 19-22 inches. My little angel is 6 pounds 6 oz. 

Sleep?: Still sleeping good. I have pretty bad hip pain on my left side but I just got a heating pad and I'm hoping that that helps with the pain. 

Best moment this week?: Seeing her sweet angel face today!!!! She has really, really long legs and fingers and her face is so chunky and I can't wait to squeeze her cheeks! 

Miss anything?: Nope. I just can not wait to hold her.

Gender?: Confirmed that she is a GIRL again today! Go away bad dreams!

Bed Rest?: None.

Limitations?: I can't really bend over. It sort of suffocates me so I try not to unless it's necessary because I can't breathe.

Pregnancy Symptoms?: Hip and back pain. That's pretty much it though.

Wedding Rings?: On! And I got my engagement ring back!! Feels so good to have it back.

Looking Forward To?: My next ultrasound and her flipping (hopefully.)

Weight Gain?: Up 27 pounds. If I have her in 4 weeks (very probable) then I'll be up to 31 pounds and I am totally okay with that. I've pretty consistently gained 1 pound/ week which is normal so I'm feeling pretty good. 

The doctor said to hold out until 39 weeks (4 short weeks) and then we will probably induce. 


  1. Wow looks like you will have another chunky monkey! I love a baby with some big cheeks and I bet you are getting so excited!!! You look awesome, I feel like everyone's bumps are much higher than mine!

  2. What a cute little chubby cheek princess. Ella was breech. The Dr's tried to do two versions, thats where they flip her my manually pushing and pulling on the outside of my stomach. It was painful and I would not recommend one or two, in my case. The version put me into labor and I had little Ella via C-section. Has your dr offered any alternatives?? Try a chiropractor they have some treatments they can do on a breech baby as well, but I would go as soon as you can. Good luck and I will be praying for you.

  3. Oh my, it's getting so close for Miss Elouise to arrive!
    I wish I could give some advice on how to get her to flip. I was a feet down baby and my niece was breeched as well (but she was also a surprise, lol). I hope she flips for you.
    I know, just like the girl above me said, that they can do the manual flipping, but that just seems painful. Maybe she will make her way on around in the next couple of weeks.
    I'm getting so excited for you!

  4. I second Alicia's statement and do not let them talk you into a version. She has plenty of time to flip, so just don't stress. Worse case is you have to have a C-section. If you accept that, and take it on then there will be less disappointment. I went in for a C-Section and was in the OR when they flipped her (Caroline moved to posterior, so she was trying to get there!) and had her naturally. Visualize her bring face down, and hope for the best. Hell, her being so big a C-Section might be a blessing! Ha

    You look amazing!
